Postcard 15 - Intuitive Brink Controls

15 Set And Forget with Brink
Brink Control Systems
Choose Brink for Total System Control 

Brink MVHR Systems have always been distinguished by ease of use and ease of control. Intuitive and easy to read onboard displays make configuration and operation simple and straightforward. But did you know, by choosing Brink, you're choosing a system which provides complete control over key performance parameters? 

What you See is What you Get

Simply specify the desired performance using the onboard controller and you can be confident the machine will deliver it, irrespective of internal pipe pressures. So let's say you require a ventilation rate of 200 cubic metres per hour. Simply select it on the control panel and the system adjusts automatically to deliver it continuously. No ifs, no buts, no maybes and no user intervention required. 

But Surely Every MVHR Unit Offers Similar Technology?

Well some do. But some don't. Choose, specify and install Brink and you can be confident the ventilation rate you set, is always the ventilation rate you get. 

Why Not Find Out More?

Intelligent design and control is only one of the benefits Brink offers. To find out how Brink can add value to your next ventilation project, get in touch with us today. You can call us in Ireland on +353(0)57 9152 663 and in Northern Ireland, you'll reach us on +44(0)28 9127 0233. Alternatively,  why not e-mail
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